Sarracenia flava: Medium plants. Multiple growth points, these have outgrown their 3 inch pots. S. flava is a temperate species, native to the US, extending from Florida and Alabama north to Virginia. But we grow these outdoors year round here at our location near Seattle, and they thrive. These require a winter dormancy for vigorous, healthy growth.
We use either a standard CP potting mix of 50:50 sand:peat, or 60:40 peat:perlite. Water by sitting in a tray of pure water, and never let them become dry. Give them several hours or longer of full sun each day. Rarely they may need some protection from drying out in extreme heat.
Medium plants, shipped bare root.
Dormancy notice: Usually dormancy lasts roughly November through March. This year our long winter has delayed growth and our flava are just barely coming out of dormancy in May.
We grow all our Sarracenia outdoors here in the greater Seattle area. This ensures that they will experience a seasonal dormancy each year, a requirement for healthy plants. Please be aware that many, if not all the pitchers will be dead or dying, and they will begin to look their best again in the spring. When pitchers do form during dormancy, they are commonly of the form known as phyllodia, thin and misshapen. However, dormancy is the best time of the year to ship or repot these plants without stress.